Resources to Address Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct

Yale is a community committed to fostering an environment of diversity, mutual respect, and intellectual discovery in which all members of the community can thrive. Acts of discrimination and harassment are contrary to the community standards and ideals of our university. Staff in the following offices work within the Yale community to promote respect, inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunity, and are available to talk through situations you have witnessed or experienced, as well as to provide guidance. 

When you have concerns or questions related to discrimination or harassment, you have a wide range of choices for support. You can reach out to a Discrimination and Harassment Resource Coordinator, or you can talk with others, such as a residential college dean, dean of student affairs, or the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility. 

If you’d like to talk with someone about sexual misconduct or sex-based discrimination, you can reach out directly to the deputy Title IX coordinator of your school or the Title IX Office. The Title IX website ( is a helpful resource for additional questions or concerns about sex-based discrimination or sexual misconduct.  If an individual is unsure of which resource to contact and wants to explore options for addressing sexual misconduct, the SHARE Center is a good place to start.

Discrimination and Harassment Resource Coordinators

Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., M–F

Discrimination and harassment resource coordinators (formerly deans’ designees) have been identified by the dean of each college and school as community members with the responsibility to receive concerns and offer advice and guidance related to diversity and inclusion, discrimination and harassment, and equal opportunity. Discrimination and harassment resource coordinators may also help facilitate informal resolution. This may be an individual’s best “first stop” in discussing a concern related to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, particularly as discrimination and harassment resource coordinators will be knowledgeable about resources specific to their school or college.

Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility

Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., M–F

Any individual who would like to report a concern of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation may contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility (OIEA). OIEA staff are available to discuss concerns, university resources, and options for resolution, including informal resolution. Where appropriate, OIEA staff are also available to conduct investigations into complaints of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation. Talking with someone at OIEA about a concern or making a complaint does not automatically launch an investigation. It can, however, be an important step to alerting the university about a concern and getting assistance to resolve it.

SHARE: Information, Advocacy, and Support

55 Lock Street, Lower Level
Appointments: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., M–F
24/7 on-call service (for time-sensitive matters): 203.432.2000

SHARE, the Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Education Center, has trained counselors available to members of the Yale community who wish to discuss any current or past experience of sexual misconduct involving themselves or someone they care about. SHARE services are confidential and can be anonymous if desired. SHARE can provide professional help with medical and health issues (including accompanying individuals to the hospital or the police), as well as ongoing counseling and support for students. SHARE works closely with the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct, the Title IX Office, the Yale Police Department, and other campus resources and can provide assistance with initiating a complaint.

If you wish to make use of SHARE’s services, you can call the SHARE number (203.432.2000) at any time for a phone consultation or to set up an in-person appointment. Some legal and medical options are time-sensitive, so if you have experienced an assault, we encourage you to call SHARE and/or the Yale Police as soon as possible. 

Title IX Coordinators

Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., M–F

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from sex discrimination in educational programs and activities at institutions that receive federal financial assistance. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other forms of sexual misconduct. The university is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex or gender.

Yale College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the professional schools have each designated one or more deputy Title IX coordinators, who work closely with the university Title IX Office and university Title IX Coordinator, Elizabeth Conklin. Coordinators respond to and address concerns, provide information on available resources and options, track and monitor incidents to identify patterns or systemic issues, deliver prevention and educational programming, and address issues relating to gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct within their respective schools. Coordinators also work with pregnant and parenting individuals to coordinate needed accommodations and to respond to instances of discrimination. Discussions with a deputy Title IX coordinator are private and information is only shared with other university officials on a need-to-know basis. In the case of imminent threat to an individual or the community, the coordinator may need to consult with other administrators or take action in the interest of safety. The coordinators also work closely with the SHARE Center, the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct, and the Yale Police Department.

University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct

Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., M–F

The University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC) is an internal disciplinary board for complaints of sexual misconduct available to students, faculty, and staff across the university, as described in the committee’s procedures. The UWC provides an accessible, representative, and trained body to fairly and expeditiously address formal complaints of sexual misconduct. UWC members can answer inquiries about procedures and the university sexual misconduct policy. The UWC is composed of faculty, senior administrators, and graduate and professional students drawn from throughout the university. UWC members are trained to observe strict confidentiality with respect to all information they receive about a case.

Yale Police Department

101 Ashmun Street
24/7 hotline: 203.432.4400

The Yale Police Department (YPD) operates 24/7 and is comprised of highly trained, professional officers. The YPD can provide information on available victims’ assistance services and also has the capacity to perform full criminal investigations. If you wish to speak with the sensitive crimes and support coordinator, they can be reached at 203.432.9547. Informational sessions are available with the sensitive crimes and support coordinator to discuss safety planning, available options, etc. The YPD works closely with the New Haven State’s Attorney, the SHARE Center, the University’s Title IX coordinators, and various other departments within the university. Talking to the YPD does not commit you to submitting evidence or pressing charges; with few exceptions, all decisions about how to proceed are up to you.